Tyranid Swarm PREVIEW
Version 3.0 Epic Remastered
Detachment Base Cost: 25 points
You must take three Synapse choices.
Hive Tyrant
Consists of 1 Hive Tyrant: 44 points
or 1 Winged Hive Tyrant (Hive Tyrant with Jump Packs): 49 points
Consists of 1 Broodlord (Genestealer unit with Assault, Psyker, Save, Synapse Creature): 29 points
Tyranid Warrior brood
Consists of 1 to 6 units from:
Tyranid Warrior unit: 23 points each
Tyranid Shrike unit (Tyranid Warrior unit with Jump Packs): 28 points each
Zoanthrope brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Zoanthrope: 23 points each
Take up to ten Brood choices.
Termagant brood
Consists of 1 to 5 Termagant unit: 7 points each
Hormagaunt brood
Consists of 1 to 5 Hormagaunt unit: 7 points each
Gargoyle brood
Consists of 1 to 5 Gargoyle unit (landed) (Termagant unit with Jump Packs): 12 points each
Genestealer brood
Consists of 1 to 2 Genestealer unit: 10 points each
Lictor brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Lictor: 17 points each
Carnifex brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Carnifex: 25 points each
Biovore brood
Consists of 1 to 2 Biovore: 23 points each
Assault Spawn Brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Assault Spawn: 23 points each
Exocrine Brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Exocrine: 32 points each
Dactylis Brood
Consists of 1 to 3 Dactylis: 37 points each
Pyrovore/Venomthrope/Toxicrene brood
Consists of 1 to 2 Pyrovore unit: 15 points each
Hive Guard brood
Consists of 1 to 2 Hive Guard unit: 18 points each
Zoanthrope brood (legacy) (This option is included for compatibility with old Epic 40k lists.)
Consists of 1 to 3 Zoanthrope (legacy): 17 points each
Harpy/Hive Crone
Consists of 1 Harpy: 34 points
Detachment Rules
Chain of Command: Hive Tyrant > Tyranid Warrior/Zoanthrope > any other unit.
Synapse: As long as this Detachment contains any Synapse Creatures, it auto-passes Leadership tests and cannot be broken. Retreat as normal.