Eldar Commander
Version 3.0 Epic Remastered
Take up to two Command choices. You can take up to one Avatar. You can take up to one Farseer. You can take up to one Autarch.
Consists of 1 Avatar: 49 points
or 1 Exalted Avatar: 77 points
Consists of 1 Farseer Commander (Eldar Guardian unit with Hero, Psyker, Supreme Commander): 47 points
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Farseer Vyper
Consists of 1 Farseer Vyper Commander (Vyper with Hero, Psyker, Supreme Commander): 61 points
Consists of 1 Autarch Commander (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Hero, Supreme Commander): 41 points
or 1 Autarch Commander with Launcher (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Hero, Heavy Weapons, Supreme Commander): 47 points
or 1 Autarch Commander with Wings (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Jump Packs, Hero, Supreme Commander): 46 points
or 1 Autarch Commander with Wings and Launcher (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Jump Packs, Heavy Weapons, Hero, Supreme Commander): 52 points
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Autarch Skyrunner
Consists of 1 Autarch Skyrunner Commander v1 (Shining Spears unit with Hero, Supreme Commander): 53 points
Eldar Guardian squad
Consists of 1 to 2 units from:
Eldar Guardian unit: 8 points each
Eldar Guardians with Warlock (Eldar Guardian unit with Psyker): 18 points each (Maximum one per squad.)
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 2 Falcon: 56 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Eldar Jetbike squad
Consists of 1 to 2 units from:
Eldar Jetbike unit: 18 points each
Eldar Jetbike Warlock (Eldar Jetbike unit with Psyker): 28 points each (Maximum one per squad.)
Aspect Warrior squad
Consists of 1 Dire Avenger unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Rapid Fire, Support): 13 points
or 1 Fire Dragon unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Macro Weapon): 13 points
or 1 Dark Reaper unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Armour +1, Heavy Weapons): 20 points
or 1 Howling Banshee unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Assault +1): 11 points
or 1 Striking Scorpion unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Infiltrators): 13 points
or 1 Swooping Hawk unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Assault, Deep Strike, Jump Packs): 15 points
or 1 Warp Spider unit (Aspect Warrior unit v5 with Deep Strike, Firepower +1, Jump Packs): 16 points
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Shining Spears: 21 points
Wraithguard squad
Consists of 1 Wraithguard: 20 points
or 1 Wraithguard with Warlock (Wraithguard with Psyker): 30 points
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Consists of 1 to 2 Dreadnought/Wraithlord: 29 points each
Falcon: 28 points
Vyper: 22 points
Legacy Aspect Warrior squad
Consists of 1 Aspect Warrior unit: 10 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault): 11 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Heavy Weapons (Aspect Warrior unit with Heavy Weapons): 18 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Jump Packs (Aspect Warrior unit with Jump Packs): 15 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Psyker): 20 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch and Heavy Weapons (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault, Heavy Weapons): 19 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch and Jump Packs (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault, Jump Packs): 16 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch and Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault, Psyker): 21 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Heavy Weapons and Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Heavy Weapons, Psyker): 28 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Jump Packs and Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Jump Packs, Psyker): 25 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch and Heavy Weapons and Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault, Heavy Weapons, Psyker): 29 points
or 1 Aspect Warrior with Exarch and Jump Packs and Warlock (Aspect Warrior unit with Assault, Jump Packs, Psyker): 26 points
Add 1 Falcon: 29 points
or 1 Wave Serpent: 28 points
Detachment Rules
Chain of Command: Avatar/Farseer/Autarch > any unit with a Warlock > Aspect Warrior > any other unit.
Commander: Detachments with their HQ within 30cm of a Supreme Commander are Stubborn. If a Supreme Commander is in an assault or firefight you may re-roll combat resolution.
A Dying Race: Lose an additional d3 Army Morale when this Detachment is wiped out.