Emperor's Children Detachment
Version 3.1
Detachment Base Cost: 40 points
Take up to two Command choices. You cannot take more than one of any type (Chaos Lord/Chaos Sorcerer/Daemon Prince).
Chaos Lord (infantry)
Consists of 1 Lord of Kakophoni (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, Hero, no Rapid Fire): 24 points
or 1 Chaos Lord (Chaos Space Marine unit with Hero): 21 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 10 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider: 44 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 52 points
Chaos Lord (bike and cavalry)
Consists of 1 Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Cavalry, Hero): 29 points
or 1 Chaos Lord on Bike (Chaos Marine Biker unit with Hero): 18 points
Chaos Sorcerer
Consists of 1 Chaos Sorcerer (Chaos Space Marine unit with Hero, Psyker): 31 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 10 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider: 44 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 52 points
Daemon Prince: 22 points
May choose up to 2 abilities:
Add Assault: 2 points
Add Psyker: 10 points
Add Rampage: 2 points
Add Skimmer: 3 points
Main Force
Take up to ten Main Force choices.
Chaos Space Marine Terminator squad
Consists of 1 Noise Marine Terminator unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire, Save): 23 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Terminator unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Save): 18 points
Add 1 Chaos Land Raider: 44 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 52 points
Chaos Space Marine squad
Consists of 1 Noise Marine unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire): 20 points
or 2 Noise Marine unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire): 40 points
or 1 Chaos Space Marine unit: 15 points
or 2 Chaos Space Marine unit: 30 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Veteran unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Infiltrators): 16 points
or 2 Chaos Marine Veteran unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Infiltrators): 32 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Raptor unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Jump Packs): 17 points
or 2 Chaos Marine Raptor unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Jump Packs): 34 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 10 points
Chaos Space Marine Biker squadron
Consists of 1 to 3 Chaos Marine Biker unit: 13 points each
Steed of Slaanesh squadron
Consists of 1 to 3 Chaos Marine on Steed of Slaanesh unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Cavalry): 23 points each
Take up to one Support or Daemon Engine choice per Main Force choice.
Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought: 25 points
Chaos Space Marine Land Raider
Consists of 1 Chaos Land Raider: 44 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 52 points
Chaos Space Marine Predator: 29 points
Chaos Space Marine Vindicator: 23 points
Chaos Space Marine Hunter: 28 points
Support Weapon Battery
Consists of 1 to 3 Chaos Marine Support Weapon: 22 points each
Daemon Engines
Take up to one Support or Daemon Engine choice per Main Force choice.
Slaaneshi Knight squadron
Consists of 1 to 3 Slaanesh Daemon Engine: 29 points each
Defiler: 29 points
Detachment Rules
Chain of Command: Chaos Lord/Daemon Prince > Chaos Sorcerer > Chaos Terminators > any other Chaos Marine > any other unit.
Detachment Type: Chaos Main Detachment.
Mark of Slaanesh (Stubborn): This detachment can re-roll failed Leadership tests.
Kakophoni: When this detachment shoots, it has an additional Disrupt super-heavy weapon with Range 30 cm. Range and line of fire can be measured from any unit in the detachment.