Chaos Space Marine Detachment
Version 3.4
Detachment Base Cost: 25 points
Take up to two Command choices. You can take up to one Chaos Lord (either type). You can take up to one Chaos Sorcerer. You can take up to one Daemon Prince.
Chaos Lord (infantry)
Consists of 1 Chaos Lord (Chaos Space Marine unit with Hero): 20 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 9 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider: 43 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 51 points
Chaos Lord (cavalry)
Consists of 1 Chaos Lord on Juggernaut (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Cavalry, Hero, Rampage): 29 points
or 1 Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Cavalry, Hero): 28 points
Chaos Sorcerer
Consists of 1 Chaos Sorcerer (Chaos Space Marine unit with Hero, Psyker): 30 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 9 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider: 43 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 51 points
Chaos Sorcerer on Disc
Consists of 1 Chaos Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch v2 (Chaos Space Marine unit with Cavalry, Hero, Psyker, Skimmer): 36 points
Daemon Prince: 21 points
May choose up to 2 abilities:
Add Assault: 2 points
Add Psyker: 10 points
Add Rampage: 2 points
Add Skimmer: 3 points
Main Force
Take up to ten Main Force choices.
Chaos Space Marine Terminator squad
Consists of 1 Chaos Marine Terminator unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Save): 17 points
or 1 Khorne Berzerker Terminator unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Rampage, Save): 16 points
or 1 Blightlord Terminator unit v3 (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Firepower +1, no Rapid Fire, Save): 16 points
Add 1 Chaos Land Raider: 43 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 51 points
Chaos Space Marine squad
Consists of 1 Chaos Space Marine unit: 14 points
or 2 Chaos Space Marine unit: 28 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Veteran unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Infiltrators): 15 points
or 2 Chaos Marine Veteran unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Infiltrators): 30 points
or 1 Khorne Berzerker unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Rampage): 13 points
or 2 Khorne Berzerker unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Rampage): 26 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Havoc unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire): 19 points
or 2 Chaos Marine Havoc unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire): 38 points
or 1 Chaos Marine Raptor unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Jump Packs): 16 points
or 2 Chaos Marine Raptor unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Jump Packs): 32 points
or 1 Plague Marine unit v3 (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Firepower +1, no Rapid Fire): 13 points
or 2 Plague Marine unit v3 (Chaos Space Marine unit with Assault, Firepower +1, no Rapid Fire): 26 points
Add 1 Chaos Rhino: 9 points
Chaos Space Marine Biker squadron
Consists of 1 to 3 Chaos Marine Biker unit: 12 points each
Take up to one Support or Daemon Engine choice per Main Force choice.
Juggernaut of Khorne squad
Consists of 1 Khorne Berzerker on Juggernaut unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Assault, Cavalry, Rampage): 21 points
Steed of Slaanesh squad
Consists of 1 Chaos Marine on Steed of Slaanesh unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Armour +1, Cavalry): 22 points
Heavy Discrider of Tzeentch squad
Consists of 1 Heavy Discriders of Tzeentch unit v2 (Chaos Space Marine unit with Cavalry, Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire, Skimmer): 25 points
Obliterator/Noise Marine Terminator squad
Consists of 1 Obliterator unit (Chaos Space Marine unit with Heavy Weapons, no Rapid Fire, Save): 22 points
Add 1 Chaos Land Raider: 43 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 51 points
Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought: 24 points
Chaos Space Marine Land Raider
Consists of 1 Chaos Land Raider: 43 points
or 1 Chaos Land Raider Legacy: 51 points (Included for backwards compatibility with Epic 40k.)
Chaos Space Marine Predator: 28 points
Chaos Space Marine Vindicator: 22 points
Chaos Space Marine Hunter: 27 points
Support Weapon Battery
Consists of 1 to 3 Chaos Marine Support Weapon: 21 points each
Daemon Engines
Take up to one Support or Daemon Engine choice per Main Force choice.
Khorne Daemon Engine: 27 points
Contagion Engine/Plagueburst Crawler
Consists of 1 Nurgle Daemon Engine: 36 points
Slaanesh Daemon Engine: 28 points
Chaos Artillery: 47 points
Silver Tower
Consists of 1 Silver Tower v3: 31 points (Requires opponent's permission.)
or 1 Silver Tower (legacy): 19 points (Included for backwards compatibility with Epic 40k.)
Defiler: 28 points
Detachment Rules
Chain of Command: Chaos Lord/Daemon Prince > Chaos Sorcerer > Chaos Terminators > any other Chaos Marine > any other unit.
Detachment Type: Chaos Main Detachment.